Log Necklace with Woodland Creatures part2


This is the part 2 of Log Necklace tutorial. Creature time! I will show you how to make a tiny owl


Step 1

  • Condition clay of your desired color for the owl.  You don’t need much just about the size of a kidney bean. Save some of this same color for wings to be used later.  Just a smidget. 


Step 2

  • Make a ball tiny enough to fit in the hole. Pinch the tops to form ears.


Step 3

  • Take a white color to form eyes by making 2 little balls. Flatten it, smash on the face area

Step 4

  • Make a tiny tiny sesame seed size ball of dark clay to make a pupil put it on the eye center.

  • Make a tiny triangle with yellowish clay to form a beak.  Use a needle tool to make an indentation for the beak. Attach it to the face.


Step 5

  • Take the smidget of body color saved from step 2 and separate it into 2 pieces of equal size.  Form a teardrop shape and flatten it a bit. Attach it to the sides of the body.

  • Scratch the body and wings a little bit to create some texture for a feathery look.

  • Tada~~ it’s ready to go live in the log.


*Optional Step*

If you like, bake the owl first and then place it in the log hole. This might help keep it’s form and not let it get squashed during the insertion. If doing so, insert an eye pin to the owl now. Eye side into the owl. so it can be attached to the log with ease later.


powered log.PNG

Step 1

I like to darken the log hole with some dark powder to create the habitat.  You can actually make it any color you like. Golden hole might create a divine look.  Or make it colorful if your creature like it that way. Ask her. She’ll tell you.  


Step 2

  • Dab a little bit of liquid clay in the log hole for the creature to stick to.

  • Take the baked or unbaked creature and place it inside the hole. If there’s an eye pin, I recommend curving the edge to make sure it’s going to stay put and not fall out.


Step 3

Bake according to directions on the clay package. I baked for an hour.


Step 4

  • Antique the log edges using the acrylic paint.  Paint the entire log and wipe off the excess paint to leave off.  By antiquing you will actually see the impression of the texture sheet better. But this is optional.

  • String to the necklace.  voilla!

If Cheryl the Owl isn’t your thing…..

If you felt that the owl was too small to make, don’t be discouraged!!  

You can place virtually anything in your log.  An interesting findings, a pretty bead, sea shell, a pebble, an old broken costume jewelry, a tiny pine cone… the sky's the limit!  Just be aware that anything plastic has to be glued after the log is baked.

Here’s some other options for you.
