I have pledged to make one pod a day for a year.... or until I get sick of it and want something else.
What is a Pod?
A pod is a big gigantic bead made from polymer clay. It maybe round, could be square, might have texture, perhaps something found in nature....
It can be anything.
The original idea comes from Christi Friesen's Flourish book. I also took her workshop at West Virginia in August of 2015 and made a bunch which was the beginning my a pod a day challenge.
1日1ポッドを作ります。 辞書で調べたらポッドは 鞘とか莢 だけど、あまりピンとこない言葉よね。 ポリマークレイで作るポッドは大きなビーズです。 植物っぽいのもあれば謎の生き物っぽかったり可能性は無限です。
What is a Pod?
A pod is a big gigantic bead made from polymer clay. It maybe round, could be square, might have texture, perhaps something found in nature....
It can be anything.
The original idea comes from Christi Friesen's Flourish book. I also took her workshop at West Virginia in August of 2015 and made a bunch which was the beginning my a pod a day challenge.
1日1ポッドを作ります。 辞書で調べたらポッドは 鞘とか莢 だけど、あまりピンとこない言葉よね。 ポリマークレイで作るポッドは大きなビーズです。 植物っぽいのもあれば謎の生き物っぽかったり可能性は無限です。